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Deformation of hadfield steel single crystals by dry sliding friction with the normal load/friction force orientations ½110/½110 and ½110/[001]

Статья в журнале

This paper studies the friction and wear of Hadfield steel single crystals with the normal load/friction force orientations ½110/½110 and ½110/[001]. Due to the different friction force orientation, deformation occurs by twinning in the first case and by slip in the second case. The shear stresses were estimated and correlated with the observed slip band systems. Changes in the orientation of the worn surface were examined by EBSD analysis. TEM studies were performed to investigate the dislocation structure evolution near the worn surface.


  • Tribology International
  • Elsevier (London)
  • Индексируется в Scopus

Библиографическая запись: Deformation of hadfield steel single crystals by dry sliding friction with the normal load/friction force orientations [110]/[110] and [110]/[001] / D. V. Lychagin [et. al.] // Tribology International. - 2020. - Vol. 147. - P. 106284. - DOI: 10.1016/j.triboint.2020.106284

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Автор:  Лычагина Л. Л.
Год издания:  2020
Страницы:  106284 - по не указана
Язык:  Английский
DOI:  10.1016/j.triboint.2020.106284