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Prediction of a pulsed electromagnetic field in a thin metal sheet

Статья в журнале

This article describes a procedure for predicting the parameters of an electromagnetic field in thin flat metal sheets of magnetic cores, screens, and busbars in a pulse regime. The following parameters have been determined: magnetic intensity and current density, thermal and magnetic energy, temperature, magnetic flux and electric current, resistance and inductance, and acceptable thickness of the sheets. These parameters have been determined with consideration for the physical properties of materials and sizes of the sheets, as well as the amplitude, shape, and duration of a pulse of magnetic intensity on a sheet surface. The procedure that has been developed is based on solving the equations of an electromagnetic field by the operator and frequency methods, as well as using Duhamel’s integral. The obtained equations can be applied, for instance, in the Mathcad environment for engineering predictions of magnetic cores, screens, and busbars in a pulse regime during their automated engineering. The reliability of the procedure has been confirmed on the basis of a coincidence of magnetic intensities obtained by the frequency method and Duhamel’s integral.


  • Russian Electrical Engineering
  • Allerton Press, Inc. (New York City)
  • Индексируется в Scopus

Библиографическая запись: Nosov, G. V. Prediction of a pulsed electromagnetic field in a thin metal sheet [Electronic resource] / G. V. Nosov, M. G. Nosova // Russian Electrical Engineering. – 2020. – Т. 91. – Iss. 2. – P. 141-147. – DOI: 10.3103/S106837122002008X

Индексируется в:

Год издания:  2020
Страницы:  141 - 147
Язык:  Английский
DOI:  10.3103/S106837122002008X