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Optical properties degradation of wollastonite powders under the electron irradiation in vacuum

Статья в журнале

The study on grain size distribution, phase composition, diffuse-reflectance spectra (rho lambda), and integral absorption coefficient has been provided. In addition, the properties of wollastonite powders were examined after the irradiation with 30 keV electrons with recording rho lambda spectra before and after each irradiation period in vacuum at the irradiation site (in situ). High powder reflectance has been determined, which provides a small value of absorption coefficient (as = 0.11). It has been shown that optical properties degradation is determined mainly by UV radiation absorbing defects, the most probable among them being anionic vacancies. rho lambda spectra are modified to a smaller extent while irradiating in the visible spectrum. The powder under analysis exceeds titanium dioxide powders, which are widely used as pigments for dyes and spacecraft reflective coatings, by the value of initial optical properties and their post-irradiation changes.


  • Optical Materials
  • Elsevier B.V. (Amsterdam)
  • Индексируется в Scopus, Web of Science

Библиографическая запись: Optical properties degradation of wollastonite powders under the electron irradiation in vacuum / M. M. Mikhailov [et. al.] // Optical Materials. - N119. - 2021. - P. 111342. - DOI:10.1016/j.optmat.2021.111342

Индексируется в:

Год издания:  2021
Страницы:  111342 - 111342
Язык:  Английский
DOI:  10.1016/j.optmat.2021.111342