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A breadboard model of the measuring probe of a new type for the measurement of multiphase environments levels

Статья в журнале

The paper presents the results of experimental research of a measuring probe of a new type containing variable localized loads. The microwave diodes HSMS-8202 have been used as the variable loads. The reflectograms of responses for the different control voltages are presented. The obtained results show that microwave diodes can be used as variable loads for implementation of the proposed measuring probe


  • Доклады Томского государственного университета систем управления и радиоэлектроники
  • Томский государственный университет систем управления и радиоэлектроники (Томск) (Томск)

Библиографическая запись: Trenkal, E. I. A breadboard model of the measuring probe of a new type for the measurement of multiphase environments levels / E. I. Trenkal, A. G. Loshchilov // Proceedings of TUSUR University. – 2017. – №4 (20). – С. 30–32. – DOI: 10.21293/1818-0442-2017-20-4-30-32

Индексируется в:

Год издания:  2017
Страницы:  30 - 32
Язык:  Английский
DOI:  10.21293/1818-0442-2017-20-4-30-32