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FET frequency converter analysis with two synchronous impacts

Статья в журнале

This paper presents a method for computing a desired product of non-linear interaction between two synchronous oscillations in the weak non-linear electrical circuits with two inputs. The suggested methodology is based on using the apparatus of Volterra functional series. Calculation has been performed in frequency domain alongside with determining non-linear transfer functions of substitution circuit with field-effect transistor (FET). It is shown that when analytical function uses formal approximation of volt-ampere characteristics, and multivariable Taylor series is employed to describe the properties of non-linear elements of FET model, it is possible to take into account the components of non-linear currents, nonlinearly and parametrically formed, whensignals from various inputs interact non-linearly, and compute a useful product at the output of devices for detecting two synchronous oscillations. To verify the computations, a MOSFET device for synchronous detection is accomplished, and a relationship between DC output voltageof synchronous converter and input amplitude is measured. The results of the paper may serve a useful purpose when modelling field-effect transistors and designing radio-frequency devices for receiving and processing signals.


  • International Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Research (IJABR)
  • Research India Publications (Rohini)

Библиографическая запись: Tuev, V. I. FET frequency converter analysis with two synchronous impacts / V. I. Tuev, M. V. Uzhanin // Biotechnology and Research (IJABR). - 2019. - Special Issue 1. - P. 183-190

Год издания:  2019
Страницы:  183 - 190
Язык:  Английский
DOI:  DOI не указана