Parameters of a beam plasma generated by an electron beam with a power of up to 10 kw in the forevacuum pressure range
Статья в сборнике трудов конференции
Low energy high current electron beams are widely used in surface and dimensional material processing technologies because electron beam processing can significantly improve the initial parameters of a material, such as roughness, microhardness, and corrosion resistance [1]. Recently developed forevacuum plasma electron sources, which feature the ability to generate electron beams in the pressure range of 1-100 Pa, have reached the level of generated power of more than 5 kW. The ability of such sources to function in medium vacuum conditions opens the possibility of direct processing of non-conducting materials, such as ceramics, polymers, borides, etc. [2-3]. This article describes the features of transporting an electron beam generated by a plasma electron source in the medium vacuum pressure range. The characteristics of the plasma of a beam-plasma discharge that produced during the transport of the powerful electron beam are studied. It is shown that the change in the accelerating voltage and current of the beam leads to a significant change in the concentration of the beam plasma (by 1-2 orders of magnitude) and an increase in the electron temperature to 4-5 eV.
Библиографическая запись: Parameters of a beam plasma generated by an electron beam with a power of up to 10 kw in the forevacuum pressure range [Electronic resource] / A. A. Zenin [et al.] // 7th International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2020 online ) (Tomsk, September 14-25, 2020): Abstracts. — Tomsk : Publishing House of IAO SB RAS, 2020. — P. 229.
Является интернет-конференцией- 7th International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2020 online)
- Russia, Томская область, Томск, 14-25 сентября 2020,
- Международная
Publishing House of IAO SB RAS
Russia, Томская область, Томск