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Fractality as a new nanotechnological direction of semiconductor material science

Статья в сборнике трудов конференции

Studies have shown that in the local approximation, the behavior of electrical properties of semiconductor surfaces, interfaces, processes of current flow and charge transport, as well as the majority of technological processes on the nano-level satisfy all properties of chaotic systems. In the local approximation, the dependences of the electrophysical properties of objects and geometry of technological processes on the linear dimensions and fractional values of fractal dimensions allow making control of the properties of semiconductors and technological processes on the nano-level, which is a sign of a new nanotechnology direction in semiconductor material science. Unlike quantum effects, not only the energy properties of electron gas, but also almost all other physical properties of semiconductors obey the fractal regularities in the local approximation.

Библиографическая запись: Torkhov, N. A. Fractality as a new nanotechnological direction of semiconductor material science / N. A. Torkhov // 24th International Crimean Conference Microwave and Telecommunication Technology (CriMiCo 2014; Sevastopol, Crimea, Russia; 7-13 September 2014). - Sevastopol: IEEE, 2014. - P. 663-664. - DOI: 10.1109/CRMICO.2014.6959576


  • 24th International Crimean Conference Microwave and Telecommunication Technology (CriMiCo’2014)
  • Россия, Крым, Севастополь, 7-13 сентября 2014,
  • Международная


Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.


Автор:  Торхов Н. А.
Год издания:  2014
Страницы:  663 - 664
Язык:  Русский
DOI:  10.1109/CRMICO.2014.6959576
Индексируется в Scopus