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Mathematical model of threats to information systems

Статья в сборнике трудов конференции

The existence of the need to assess the quality of security requires the development of a formalized evaluation method. One of the elements of such method is the model of threats to information system. In the article is described a model of threats to integrity of information system. As a model of system used a multilevel model based on attributive metagraphs.

Библиографическая запись: Novokhrestov, A. Mathematical model of threats to information systems / A. Novokhrestov, A. Konev // 13TH International conferenceof students and young scientists on prospects of fundamental sciences develipment: AIP conference proceedings (Tomsk, 26-29 April 2016). - Vol. 1772. - Tomsk: AIP, 2016. - P. 060015. - DOI: 10.1063/1.4964595


  • Prospects of Fundamental Sciences Development
  • Россия, Томская область, Томск, 26-29 апреля 2016,
  • Международная


American Institute of Physics Inc.

США, New York, Melville

Научный руководитель:  Шелупанов А. А.
Год издания:  2016
Страницы:  60015 - 60015
Язык:  Английский
DOI:  10.1063/1.4964595
Индексируется в Scopus, РИНЦ